Responsible Tourism Seoul Tower 2012
This was a video shot at Seoul Tower during the summer of 2012. It shows the expanse of Seoul, Korea.
World Progress Now videos focus on Responsible Tourism and authentic experiences.
This short clip shows how many people come to see the Spring Equinox (March 20-21) at Chichen Itza. This event is important to the Maya people as their god Kukulkan (Feathered Serpent) descends down the pyramid in the form of a shadow toward the Sacred Cenote. This event is important because it authenticates the locals' religious beliefs.
Korean culture is so fascinating. The food as medicine aspect is amazingly true to itself and culture. They are a people with a deep connection to themselves, the land, each other, and their past. A people who know how to have fun and know how to get things done. World Progress Now Loves Korean culture and hopes to continue learning about the people and the place they call the Land of the Marning Calm.